Monday, February 20, 2012

Daylight Savings

I have had a few emails pointing out that for some events the countdown timer is incorrect by exactly 1 hour.

I just wanted to clarify that the countdown timer does take into account any daylight saving that will be in place when the event takes place.

For example, San Francisco has no daylight saving in place at the time of this blog post 20 February 2012. Daylight saving starts for Pacific Standard time on 11 March 2012, ending on 4 November 2012.

So any event that takes place between those dates will appear to be incorrect by 1 hour. Of course it only looks that way the actual amont of time between now and the event date/time is correct.


  1. This used to work correctly for me, however with the current update the hour count still displays correctly in list view, but on individual event screens it displays as if they're taking place in standard time, even when they're after DST starts. I'm running it on an iPhone 4s with iOS 6.0.1.

    Love the app, by the way! It's turned me into the Countdown Queen.

  2. Hi Elizabath,

    Can you give me an example where this occurs, I will see if I can reproduce it and get ti fixed.


    1. For instance, I have an annual staff breakfast scheduled on June 16, 2013 at 8:00 AM. Under "List of Events" it displays correctly as 14 weeks, 0 days, 15 hours. When I view the full display of the event with picture and title it tells me I have 3 months, 0 weeks, 6 days, 16 hours, 51 minutes, 46 seconds. If I switch "Show Months" off it shaves that extra hour back off to 15.

      Of course it will probably correct after the time changes tonight. My apologies for not checking back and replying sooner.
